Insidious attacks from the inside are amongst the most challenging to defend against. Whether they be employees, contractors or other individuals with legitimate access rights, these “insiders” can wreak havoc on a company’s networks and data if left undetected – an all too familiar threat lurking behind trusted logins.

Insiders may have unrestricted access to a system, allowing them to skip over security protocols designed for outsiders. Despite having privileged access – which could potentially lead to major drawbacks – insiders are not perceived as threats and go unchecked by the protective measures in place.

The recent Ponemon Institute report highlighted the alarming rise of insider attacks, with devastating effects that take considerably longer to detect and have more widespread impacts. It’s imperative we recognize this risk and implement ways to prevent it from getting even worse!

The report found that over the last two years:

  • Insider attacks have increased by 44%
  • It takes organizations 85 days to contain an insider threat, compared to 77 days in 2020.
  • The average cost of addressing insider threats has risen by 34%

It’s important for companies to understand what makes up an insider threat. That’s the first step towards mitigation.

Insider threats come in many shapes and sizes

Insider threats come in a variety of forms, making them difficult to detect. Whether the perpetrator is an employee with malicious intent or simply someone who makes an unintentional mistake – these security breaches can have serious consequences. As organizations strive for greater cyber resilience, they must stay vigilant against every kind of insider threat on the horizon.

Here are the four main types of insider threats faced by company networks.

Despite being a trusted member of the team

When a sales employee has one foot out the door, they may be tempted to grab all of their hard-earned contacts and take them with them. Unfortunately, this is an act of data theft that can cost companies dearly in both time & money spent rebuilding such invaluable resources.

A former employee’s feelings of hurt and betrayal can be dangerous–so much so that they could potentially attack the very business responsible for their dismissal. Such an insider may seek revenge by introducing malicious ransomware, or even monetizing stolen login credentials to a hacker in exchange for cutting themselves a tidy sum!

Negligence on the job has repercussions for everyone involved

Employee negligence can be a major source of insider threats. From accidentally sharing confidential information on an insecure platform to using unsecured devices for business applications, seemingly innocuous acts may posed unexpected dangers- and employees might not even realize the potential fallout.

Threats can come from unexpected places

Unwelcome visitors could be lurking within your virtual walls. Contractors, freelancers, or vendors might have access to your network – creating a real risk of insider breach. Safeguarding against this threat is essential for keeping company data secure.

Ensure full third-party review before granting system access and collaborate with your IT partner to vet any potential security threats. Safeguard all data at the highest level!

A malicious hacker lurks in the shadows

Login credentials have become the weapon of choice for malicious insiders, leading to an unprecedented number of data breaches across the globe. Companies must be vigilant in order to protect sensitive information and maintain their cybersecurity posture.

When a cybercriminal gets their hands on an employee’s login information, they become penetrating forces from within. Without being detected as intruders, these insidious insiders can wreak havoc on your computer systems – making them appear to be the very users you trust with access.

Insider threats can have devastating consequences

Insider threats can appear to be invisible, but the best way of tackling them is through proactive measures. By ensuring you have robust plans in place now, rather than waiting for an incident to occur and exposing yourself to months of costly damage post-event – prevention really is better than a cure!

Here are some of the best tactics for reducing insider threat risk.

Knowing who we are hiring is a must-do

Hiring the right employees is critical for any business to succeed, and it’s key to conduct thorough background checks. That way you can help protect your company from malicious insiders who may have caused issues in their past employment — and vet vendors or contractors too so they don’t put your systems at risk!

Endpoint Device Solutions

As more and more companies shift towards mobile-focused operations, the need for an effective device access management solution is becoming increasingly apparent. Yet, many businesses are still failing to embrace this critical technology – leaving them exposed and vulnerable in a dynamic digital landscape.

To keep your devices safe and secure, consider an endpoint management solution which keeps a constant eye on access. Not only will this provide peace of mind that all the right people are getting in, but it’ll also automatically block any suspicious or unauthorized attempts – providing maximum protection for you!

Keeping online accounts secure is essential in today’s tech-driven world

Combat credential theft with an extra layer of security! Multi-factor authentication provides a powerful barrier against hackers, who have difficulty bypassing the second factor. With strong measures like your mobile device or FIDO key locked down tightly, you can rest assured that your data will stay safe and secure.

Couple this with password security. This includes things like:

  • Requiring strong passwords in your cloud apps
  • Using a business password manager
  • Requiring unique passwords for all logins

Safeguarding company information is crucial for any business

Get your staff up to speed and ensure a secure environment by providing them with the necessary training. Educate employees on data handling techniques as well as company-specific security protocols to reduce careless breaches and keep confidential information safe.

Keeping your network running smoothly is essential to success

Keep your system secure against malicious intent by utilizing intelligent network monitoring to detect any unauthorized user activity.

Take your security to the next level with AI-enabled threat monitoring! Instantly be alerted of any strange behaviors, such as mass downloads or international logins. Protect your data quickly and efficiently – before it’s too late.

Is your business vulnerable to an attack from the inside?

Worried about malicious insiders sabotaging your system? Get peace of mind with a layered security solution customized to suit the needs of your business. Our secure yet cost-effective options offer unbeatable protection so you can rest easy knowing you and your data are safe. Contact us today for more information!

Categories: Cybersecurity