Even kids’ toys can be the starting point for a hacker to access your personal data, so imagine what else is out there – and vulnerable. Identity thieves have been known to sift through unsuspecting homeowners’ garbage bins looking for valuable information – could yours become their next target?

While most of us think about our digital devices and cloud accounts when it comes to protecting ourselves from identity theft, many everyday objects may be easily overlooked as potential sources for criminal activity. To fully safeguard ourselves we must go beyond having strong passwords and anti-virus protection on our computers; instead, being aware of any opportunities that criminals might exploit through more unconventional means is paramount in keeping your private data secure.

Criminals have a variety of tools at their disposal to gain access to your personal information.

Outdated phones can still be useful

Americans are throwing out their phones quicker than ever, with many getting new models as quickly as every 2.5 years! But it’s not just a hassle for the planet – these outdated devices can leave behind sensitive personal data that could put your security in jeopardy if left unaddressed.

It’s astonishing how much data our smartphone can contain – from financial records to cloud-synced connections, business applications and even personal health information. All of this on one tiny device!

Smartphones have become the modern-day filing cabinet, enabling users to instantly store documents and spreadsheets with a few taps. Not only that, but they can also contain thousands of photos and videos in mere seconds – no more worrying about running out of space!

Disused smartphones may seem like forgotten victims of the tech age, but they’re actually a coveted treasure trove for enterprising cybercriminals. It’s important to take extra steps when disposing of old phones – deleting all data and recycling them properly instead of throwing in standard garbage is essential. Otherwise, leaving behind outdated devices could spell disaster!

Make printing easy and convenient with wireless printers

Enjoy the convenience of printing documents from anywhere in your home or office, without sacrificing security! Modern wireless printers offer an effortless way to print directly through a secure network connection. Don’t let hackers compromise this essential tech tool by making sure your data is kept safe and sound with advanced safety features.

While printers are often overlooked, they can be a potential weak point in data security. If hacked, sensitive documents like tax paperwork or contracts stored on the printer become vulnerable to theft and could lead to larger infiltrations of connected devices across your network system. Protecting your information should start with securing all aspects of technology — including that trusty printer!

Keep your printers safe and secure by staying one step ahead of malicious hackers. Ensure that you’re always up-to-date on the latest firmware, as soon as it becomes available, so any security patches can be installed right away. And remember to switch it off when not in use; this will reduce the chance of anyone accessing its data without authorization.

USB Sticks are a great way to store and transport data

Have you ever stumbled across a forgotten USB stick and thought that luck was on your side? You’ve got the opportunity to claim an unexpected storage device – or do something even better: track down its rightful owner. But before you can reunite them with their data, let’s take a peek inside!

Never be tempted to use a suspicious USB flash drive – it could contain malicious software waiting for the perfect opportunity to infiltrate your device. Hackers may leave them lying around as bait, so if you find one and connect it, disaster is on its way!

Old Hard Drives

Proper disposal of old computers and removable drives is important – simply deleting your files isn’t enough. Without proper wiping, hackers could find personal data tucked away in system and program files that you didn’t even know were there! Protect yourself by securely erasing all information from tech before discarding it.

Already logged into a browser? Well, your personal data could be in serious jeopardy. Passwords and payment information aren’t safe – even browsing history can be exposed! It pays to keep an eye on what kind of info you leave behind online.

When disposing or donating your computer, it’s essential to securely erase all of its data. An IT professional is the best resource for this task, ensuring a safe transition and preventing unwanted access to personal information.

A trash can is so much more than a boring waste receptacle

Beware on trash day – your discarded documents may bring identity thieves closer to stealing from you! Make sure to securely dispose of any items that could lead unscrupulous individuals straight into the heart of your personal information.

Despite its status as everyday trash, discarded materials can provide the perfect opportunity for identity thieves. Carelessly tossed away pre-approved credit card offers and voided checks contain all of the information needed to launch a fraudulent attack against you. Not even old bank statements or insurance paperwork are safe in an overflowing garbage can – leaving your personal data wide open!

Investing in a paper shredder could save you from costly consequences – simply take the extra step of breaking down documents that contain sensitive personal information before throwing them away. Taking this precaution is an easy and effective way to protect yourself!

Kids can now get in on the newest technology trend!

From electronic bears to Wi-Fi enabled Barbies, hackers have been having a field day with the latest wave of interactive toys. The popular Mattel Hello Barbie has left families vulnerable not just to personal information theft but also the potential for their conversations being spied upon – what an unsettling thought!

Kids love the latest in futuristic technology, but parents should be aware of a potential downside: these internet-connected toys are prime targets for cybercriminals. As they aren’t typically secured as diligently as other digital products, children’s IoT gadgets can easily become an entryway into their family’s networks and data stores – making it essential to ensure maximum security before kids get too attached!

With the increasing digitalization of our world, even toys can come with an ever-increasing risk. To ensure your home is safe from malicious entities looking to exploit vulnerable devices, always make sure you install any available firmware updates and take extra precaution by researching possible data breaches associated with a device before bringing it into your house.

Don’t let your home IT system become a victim of cybercriminals!

Keep your mind at ease and keep hackers away! Get in touch with us to schedule a home IT security audit – you’ll thank yourself for taking the extra precaution.

Categories: Cybersecurity